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"I am a sculptor. I heat and hand forge metal until it gives form to expressions of human energy as it engages and relates. When heated, metal is extremely forgiving, that's why I choose it as a medium. Through it, I explore the forces that draw us together and that separate us from ourselves and each other. Having experienced both great tragedy and joy in his own life, he wants his art to sustain relevant and meaningful encounters. Through his father, he learned blacksmithing techniques by osmosis; at home, art and metal were part of daily life. In 1995, when he completed a degree in Fine Arts at McMaster University, he committed his artistic future to metal and joined his father at the forge. .

As his influences, he cites movements as diverse as rayism and impressionism and states that, for him the forging process is the seeking of form in a balance that supports its own meaning. Although he shares, with his father, a fascination with human relationships, Boris has clearly developed his own distinct vision and his own unique style. Boris has shown his artwork in galleries in Canada and the United States. His sculptures have a home in numberous corporate and private collections and can be found in the many fine galleries around the world that carry Kramer Sculptures.

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