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The Hebrew words for “Love”, “Home” and “peace” grow out of this curvy vine Mezuzah. It is designed to evoke the appealing silhouette of a blooming pot of plants. Hand painting, followed by a variety of materials meticulously arranged inside the delicately cut stainless steel frame finish this beautiful Mezuzah case.

The Mezuzah is a ceremonial object. The mitzvah or commandment of placing a Mezuzah is derived from Deuteronomy 6:4-9 “inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates”. A Mezuzah is mounted on every doorway in a Jewish home.

Included are mounting screws or nails. Our Mezuzah cases can also be mounted outdoors, preferably under an overhang.
Artist: seeka
Seeka means pin or brooch in Hebrew. The Seeka studio was established in January of 1997...

Vine of Values Mezuzah

About The Product


Price: $119
Dimensions Inch: 0 / 0
Weight: 0
tzfat gallery tzfat gallery 12 caro street, old city Tzfat, Israel 13102  Tel: 04-6921919,  Fax: 04-6921919    Tour Wise  Web Site   מצגות